Friday, August 16, 2013

Cubao Expo Experience

by Igi Elum

Returned from the dead is not often used to describe a place but much more frequently used for fictional characters or religious idols. However, in the case of a charmingly hipster area in Cubao, the expression captures its journey quite well. Of course, I am referring to none other than the growing increasingly popular Cubao Expo.

Kc Santos says in his blog entitled A First-timers Guide to Cubao Expo, that Cubao Expo, known as the Marikina Shoe Expo back then, first came to life in the 1970’s where it was used as a location where local shoemakers went to showcase their own craft. It was a place to compete against the foreign works brought to the Philippines by the Chinese merchants and craftsmen. This place was a success until it took a dive and eventually needed to close down in 1997 because of an Asia-wide economical crisis.

The place dragged on to be an abandoned area which lasted for 3 years until a man named Bujim Aquino became the new head of management of the area. Under his management, he brought the Marikina Shoe Expo back to life better than before. Today, it is known as the Cubao Expo, an easy favorite spot for a refreshing dining experience and a venue for an interesting shopping experience.

The Cubao Expo exemplifies the cliché saying, “more than meets the eye.” It was my first time to go to Cubao Expo last July 13, evening. From the outside, you will find a giant sign welcoming you inside, a narrow U-shaped road which seemed to be ill-managed, and some dim lighting which was begging to say that the place was exquisite. It is very understandable when at first people would think that the place is just one of those “jologs,” trying hard places. I thought that and I was proven wrong and I have never been so pleased to be proven wrong. Upon entering, the ambience of the place makes you feel like you’re a privileged who is experiencing what a lot are missing out on; a bit hipster, actually.

One of the most charming attractions of Cubao Expo is that it offers a huge array of dining places which people with different tastes can easily enjoy. If you’re a healthy living person, there’s a small artsy place called the Green Halo where you can enjoy the best fruit milkshakes and their organic based dishes. Personally, I loved their Chocnut Coffee. It was heaven with the punch of coffee in a cup. If you prefer Italian on the other hand, I suggest that you try Bellini’s, which is arguably their most famous dining place and is most frequently visited despite the prices. If you’re someone who wants to maximize the nightlife of Cubao Expo, Anton Diaz suggests in his blog Alan’s Grill to hit the Genre Bar where you can have some drinks to go along with their signature “pulutan,” Tokwa’t Baboy. You can indulge these all while listening to the artist/band who has a gig there. The place is located at the second floor of another resto, Alan’s Grill which is known for being the Barrio Fiesta of Cubao Expo because of their specialty in Filipino food. As Tony Redo, someone who was a frequent visitor of the bar, exclaims, “Marami talagang dumadayo dito kasi hindi masyado siksikan parang mga ibang bar dito sa Cubao at makakarinig ka pa ng mga kanta ng mga musikerong may gig.” (A lot of people really come here because it isn’t as crowded as the other bars in Cubao and you can listen to songs of musicians who have a gig.) There are other equally interesting and fun dining places which really entice a person to try out each one. Cubao Expo has been excellent in the provision of these non-mainstream yet good places to eat.

Another huge asset of the Cubao Expo is the various shopping stores. Considering that Cubao Expo is simply a collection of shops and dining places around a U-shaped road, the variation of shops is amazingly diverse. If you have an eye for vintage items, there is a shop called the Grand Thrift House which to my dismay was closed by the time I got there. I was told though by my kuya, Ian Escudero, a cousin of mine who has an interest for antiques, that he really used to go to Cubao Expo because it “it’s a venue where generations collide.” He went on to say that he really appreciated how the stores there blended well the retro selections and the modern art selections. It gave him the opportunity to compare side-by-side and appreciate the art better. Other stores in the area include vintage clothing shops, a shop which sells cultural literature, and more shops which basically cater to a variety of interests. 

Cubao Expo has definitely risen from the dead bigger and better than its previous life. It is now a venue for shoppers, diners, and people who have specific interests to go to and enjoy what varied things the expo has to offer. The place is perfect for anyone who wants to have a great time looking to purchase or even just see some vintage and modern treasures in the form of art. Also, it can be a food fanatic’s heaven because of the many dining places which caters to different cooking and dietary styles.

All in all, Cubao Expo is definitely a must go-to place by anyone who appreciates good food, vintage and modern shops, and essentially an adventure. It may not be as big as the malls nearby nor does it have the area to accommodate a large number of people, but rest assured that a visit to the Cubao Expo means experiencing art and having an excellent time. Ian Escudero says that unlike when people go to malls or convenience shops to be quick with their shopping, Cubao Expo urges you to sit back, relax, and enjoy what the place has to offer.

Works Cited

Diaz, Anton. "OUR AWESOME PLANET." Web blog post. OUR AWESOME PLANET. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Aug. 2013. <>. 

Escudero, Ian. Personal Interview. 14 July 2013

Redo, Anthony. Personal Interview. 17 July 2013.

         Santos, KC. "A First-timer's Guide to Cubao Expo." Web blog post. LoQal Travel and Outdoors Philippines. N.p., 17 Aug. 2011. Web. 16 Aug. 2013. <>.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Cubao Expo Adventure

By Micah Jao

         I’ve always thought antiques were interesting. In one antique, a piece of time is captured. A piece of history, a piece of life. May it be something as big as an old parchment or something as simple as an old record, each item holds a story. A story of the past, a reason why they are no longer common or present in our day to day lives. Now imagine many different antiques collected in one little room. Bits of time, all brought together by a group of people. Passed on from one to the other, each with a different story. That is an antique shop. Now imagine one area, filled with many of these rooms, each with different types of antiques all mixed together. That is the Cubao Expo. The Cubao Expo is an unexampled place in Manila with unique items and experiences to be found.
         From the introduction, it is clear that the Cubao Expo is an area full of antique shops. It is obvious why unique objects can be found, but why do we say that the Cubao Expo is a place where unique experiences can be found? Well, one reason would be that the trip to the Cubao Expo can be quite an adventure. If you are inexperienced with commuting, like me, riding the LRT can be quite a challenge. With all the twist and turns in the LRT station, finding the right train is a difficult task. I was fortunate enough to be accompanied by friends who frequented the train stations, and were able to navigate the tunnels with ease. 

        Once you have found your train the difficulty isn’t over, when the train arrives and the doors open, it’s a warzone. Passengers rush to get out while others fight their way in, hurrying to get seats and in the train before the doors close. Once you’re inside, you are sandwiched by a mass of people who may or may have not taken a shower that day, all the while clutching your belongings for fear of something being snatched or stolen. While the trip to Cubao Expo is not a very pleasant experience, I have to say that it is quite a memorable one.
        Once out of the train station, your adventure on foot begins. We exited the station into a mall and asked numerous guards for directions, all of them pointing us to different ones. We walked and walked for what felt like miles. We went from mall to mall, and street to street. It was quite a long trek, but once you see the Cubao Expo, the feeling of joy that overwhelms you as you realize you have conquered the journey and you are finally at your desired location, is amazing.
        When you arrive at the Cubao Expo, the first thing you notice is that there is nothing to do, but after exploring for a bit (which isn’t hard since its basically one U – shape) you realize that there are actually a variety of different things to do there. First and the most obvious, there were antique shops. We walked into the first one we saw. Don’t be put off by it’s small size, old smell, or dustiness. Once you get past it, you realize that there are a lot of interesting things there. I found a lot of vintage records, polaroids, and typewriters. I was drawn to how uncommon they were and the fact that they were cute to decorate with, while my companions were interested in the old magazines, decors and coke bottles. 

     Although Cubao Expo seemed like a place frozen in time, it was actually quite modernized. It had numerous shops, bars, and restaurants where a lot of people frequented. There were groups of people sitting and drinking at the bars, as though they do so every week. We heard bands playing, people singing, and food cooking. Although very quaint, it seemed to have it’s own crowd, and after a long day, we decided to join Cubao Expo’s crowd. We ate at the most normal restaurant we could find. The place was small, it could serve about 15 people at most, and the food was very simple. Tuna sandwiches, burgers, and pastas. You didn’t come to Cubao Expo for gourmet food. Although they do have one expensive restaurant there, which we weren’t able to try due to our student statuses but it seemed to be quite popular. The service was pretty slow but it was alright. It seemed to fit the old, sleepy atmosphere of the place. Old and sleepy, but at the same time full of life and movement. It’s quite a strange thing to experience

         If you’re looking for adventure, visit the Cubao Expo at least once, but at the end of the day, we came to realize that though Cubao Expo is a pretty quaint place we wouldn’t really plan to return in the near future.  Just make sure you do your research and go at a time where everything in the Cubao Expo is open because when we visited the area, many of the shops were closed, and that really hindered us from receiving the full experiencePerhaps if we were actual antique collectors we would visit again soon. Or Perhaps if we were in our Early 20’s or late 30’s it would be a nice place to visit. There were various bars in the area, which many young adults seemed to frequent, and many of the people looking at the antiques seemed to be in their late 30’s or older. So as for teenagers like ourselves, though we found a lot of cool things, many of the things at the venue were quite uninteresting to us.


Two Sides of Shopping

Two Sides of Shopping
By Bianca Paras

Shopping has always been a favorite pastime of many. It is not only a way to gather the essentials, whether for the household or personal use, but it can also be a sort of pick-me-up when in need of therapy – retail therapy, that is.

Oftentimes, people go to the mall for their shopping needs. Malls are very accessible since there are many scattered all over the Philippines; you can find at least one in every city in Metro Manila. Also, the fact that one can buy almost all their needs in one place makes it more convenient to go to a mall as compared to going to the marketplace.

Cubao Expo offers a different kind of shopping experience, allowing its patrons, especially collectors, to get a vintage feel from the eyes of both the sellers and customers. The atmosphere of the place, with the background music and all, gives off a different air compared to a mall. Seeing Cubao Expo from two different perspectives highlights how different it is from your typical mall. 

As a seller, working at a place such as Cubao Expo is a challenge. Ryan Galang, a merchant at Cubao Expo, exemplifies this.

If they don’t buy the products, who will? Serve with a smile and a kind heart because customers, whether you like it or not, can make or break your career.

Life is a journey. You need to take it one step at a time, work hard, and budget your time wisely. Without these three, you might as well be just working at the circus.

Ryan struggles because they, in their store, cannot increase their prices because people think that it is expensive when in fact, what they are selling are actually one of the cheapest in the business. It’s times like these when you just have to just accept the fact that life is not easy, but you can’t use that as an excuse to give up.

This is what makes Cubao Expo different. Working at a place such as a vintage shop requires creativity and knowledge of the arts. Creativity is needed in order to arrange the pieces in such a way that their individual beauty is highlighted without overpowering the others – colors should complement each other, size difference should not be an eyesore, and themes should match.

Basic knowledge of the arts, however, comes in handy in the actual selling process. Imagine trying to sell something you know nothing about. The customer asks you what an object is, and you just stand there staring at him unable to answer. Who wants that?

As a buyer, people are enthralled at the sight of many collectibles being sold at the Cubao Expo.

From ballerina jewellery boxes to fishnet leg lamps to those little porcelain figurines, you can find so many knick knacks in these shops. I, myself, found myself staring at little frog singers and doll figurines. With so many collectibles to look at, who wouldn’t wonder where they all came from?

Unlike those being sold at malls, the collectibles at Cubao Expo are better since they are not mass-produced and therefore each one is special. Pay attention to the little details and you’ll see how much hard work was put into making these paraphernalia.

Upon entering the Cubao Expo compound, you will immediately hear the vintage music from such artists as Elvis Presley and The Beatles. The soulful sounds from such artists add to the vintage vibes one will feel at the Cubao Expo. Music records are hard to find, but in Cubao Expo there are so many to choose from that you’ll want to buy everything.

Cubao Expo shopping is not the same as shopping in your typical mall. Although shopping at a mall would be more convenient, Cubao Expo shopping is a totally different experience. With the vintage atmosphere, many knick knacks, and old songs playing in the background, you would feel as if you took a time machine to the past. 

X Marks The Spot

By Miggy Siat

X Marks The Spot

Tucked in the noisy and fast-paced streets of Cubao, there lays a horse-shoe shaped collection of buildings by the name of Cubao Expo or popularly known as Cubao X; where everything is quiet and slow enough for a cup of coffee. After walking around the place myself, I saw that Cubao X is a rustic melting pot of curiosities, which presents itself as an off-the-beaten-path sort of tourist attraction.

Cubao X is rustic. This was what first popped into my head when I thought of describing Cubao Expo. I thought of this because from the outside, it looked like nothing special; something that would not really catch my fancy. Once inside though, I realized that it had a different atmosphere, or rather, a different ambience compared to the busy malls around the area. Strolling inside with my group mates, looking like we had business there and not like a bunch of lost teenagers, I saw that the buildings weren’t that well-maintained; a lot of the buildings looked like they needed new paint jobs and a lot were also dusty.
The stores themselves looked really quirky, like their wares were just randomly placed everywhere, and actually the wares in some stores were quite peculiar themselves; but more on that later. Artwork was also found everywhere, the likes of which one would find in an old person’s home and a lot more that one won’t be find in any octogenarian’s home. These made Cubao X feel like a very artsy environment. 

From another perspective, my interviewee, (Lorenzo Montinola, a fellow student and a satisfied customer of Cubao X), describes the place as being “Bohemian” or a “hipster paradise.” He described it as the former since the place has a very artsy environment and the latter since Cubao X is not a mainstream district, (which I can actually confer with since none of my group mates had heard of or have been to Cubao X themselves before we went there.) Another reason why the place is a “hipster paradise” is because Cubao X doesn’t have any of the usual establishments such as of Jollibees and Benchs, although there are other purveyors of food and clothing around the place.
After thinking about Cubao X after the trip, I realized that all these things, the dusty buildings, the lack of popular establishments, the artsy atmosphere and the quirky finds, add up to ambience of Cubao X.
Cubao X is a melting pot of curiosities that caters to a plethora of interests. Where else can you find Marikina shoe stores, art galleries, bars, a tattoo parlor, sellers of war paraphernalia and old books, and restaurants all in one place? This makes Cubao X a very unique place and puts it in a category all on its own. Some of the people I saw around the place were old men selling things, old men buying things, tatted up folk in front of the tattoo parlor, people eating some afternoon merienda, some college students enjoying some after class drinks and on that day, a bunch of curious teenagers. On any given day, I am pretty sure that one can find a couple of people in Cubao X that don’t look like they belong in the same place. Montinola describes these individuals, just like the place itself, as “Bohemian. They were very artistic and liberal. It's as if time doesn't pass by with them.” I agree with Montinola on his observation, since I, myself, felt that time slowed down inside of Cubao Expo. As I have mentioned already, the traffic or loud basketball games associated with Cubao disappear inside Cubao X; and this feeling actually rubbed off on its inhabitants. 

One of the curiosities that we made sure to check out were the thrift shops which seemed to be the most popular thing about Cubao X. Going through the thrift shops that were open, we saw the famous vinyl records which were for sale, old toys (most of which were probably produces way before we were born), old magazines, books, and even old army gear. Basically, the wares sold in these stores seemed like they were from the attics of a lot grand parents. 

Montinola, himself, bought a vintage cigarette case for three hundred pesos, which he described as “fairly affordable.” According to him, a lot of the stores there also let customers haggle for the best prices the sellers can give. I, on the other hand, did not try to buy anything, however I believe that the stores themselves had interesting buys and reasonable prices based on what I saw. There was actually a customer in a thrift store that was piling magazines and books as his “buy” pile.
Apart from the people, I saw the different sides of Cubao Expo in its establishments; most especially in its restaurants. On the one hand, there was Bellini’s, a quaint and picturesque Italian restaurant where it seemed like a perfect place to shoot a romance movie; and I heard that their food is excellent as well. On the other, there was Green Halo, an artistic little hole-in-the-wall type of restaurant. The food wasn’t too shabby, coming from a one-man staff; the waiter was also our chef. It was a very novel experience, and yes, I would actually recommend the place to any other person who will visit Cubao X. These two restaurants highlighted the catering of Cubao Expo to the many tastes of its many visitors.

Cubao Expo is an off-the-beaten-path tourist attraction. This was what I was thinking as we left the place. First of all, Cubao X is near malls, like Gateway and Ali Mall; which means that it is very accessible. It may attract those who want a chance of scenery from the packed malls around the Metro. Secondly, this spot, as I have mentioned before, is not a mainstream place to visit. Cubao X presents an alternative to a lot of other establishments, while maintaining its self to be a fairly unknown spot. You couldn’t find a prized vintage toy in Greenhills? Why not try Cubao X?  – This can be one of the future strong points of Cubao X if it were to be publicized. Lastly, a lot of tourists ask about nightlife around the Metro and Cubao X has that. If someone wants a quiet drink with friends or a fun night out in a place not too packed with people, Cubao X is the place. Why go all the way to The Fort when Cubao is right there? Cubao X gives tourists another look in the culture of the different kind of Filipinos all in one place.
My verdict is that Cubao Expo is a place worth visiting. It catches the fancy of many people from all walks of life since it captures many interests of people around the Metro. However, if the statement above makes it seem like a “high-snobiety” kind of place, it definitely is not since the whole place emanates a simple, no frills kind of place; or rustic as I’ve mentioned before. As a plus, the place is not that well known, from my understanding; evoking independent or “indie” or “hipster” vibes. More tourists should definitely come visit the place. Let’s just hope that the establishment of the big red bee doesn’t appear within the confines of Cubao Expo anytime soon.
Interview: Montinola, Lorenzo. Personal Interview. 28 July. 2013. 
Pictures: Taken by myself

The New in Old

    by Christine Angela V. Medina

      Cubao Expo is a place for those who see the “new in old.” This is the trend for some people today is not buying the latest in the market, but getting the old-fashioned from not so famous stores in the metro.
   Previously the site of Marikina Shoe Expo, Cubao Expo is comprised of several shops, bars and restaurants. Located along General Romulo Street, Cubao, Quezon City, it is situated amidst high-rise buildings, shopping malls, and other modern establishments. A passer-by like you might overlook this small space unless you are quite inquisitive and would like to know what it has to offer.
     When I went there and entered a number of thrift shops, I was amazed by the large variety and collection of vintage items because it was my first time to see one. There were original The Beatles albums, Matryoshka or Russian dolls, and Filipino comic magazines, among others.

Matryoshka/Russian dolls
      However, in contrast to these diverse products, I noticed that almost no one was in Cubao Expo except for the store owners themselves. I initially thought that maybe because that was a Sunday so almost no one was visiting the stores, but the store owners admitted that it is indeed common not to see a lot of people at Cubao Expo.
     As a teenage girl who is used to going to malls regularly, I realized that this shopping place is completely unique from the former because the latter caters only to certain customers. The stores are intended for a particular group of people only, and these are whom we label as collectors. Although some are coming from far places, they especially visit Cubao Expo for its offered products.
    Before going to the place, I was afraid it would not fascinate me because I am not a novelty collector. But as I stepped into the shops, all items surprisingly caught me offguard. However, one kind of item particularly stood out among the rest, the rotary phone. Whether you are familiar or not with it, let me just relate to you a brief history of telecommunications.
   Through the centuries, the field of telecommunications has evolved from the discovery of Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 to the large and modern variety of cellular phones we have right now. Over the 1920s, rotary phones were extensively popular. As the name suggests, it is a communication medium that uses rotary dial to put in successive numbers. During this decade, a family that owned a rotary phone was already considered to be affluent.
     But rotary phones gradually lost their prestige as touch tone and cordless phones slowly became the trend during the 60s to the 80s. Using a dual tone multifrequency, these improved means of communication were easier to use since they are push-button telephones.
     Decades passed and what we have now are products of extensive evolution, because who knew that we would have touch screen phones that come with a camera, a music player and even an Internet connection! These new outputs of technology generally offer more convenience, enjoyment and satisfaction.
    The field of telecommunications has truly undergone a lot of advancements and breakthroughs. From the hard-to-dial rotary phones to the modern variety that we have right now, the world has witnessed a huge change.
    The irony, however, is that some people today seem to be fascinated with the trend which was popular almost a century ago. While most of us are busy trying to buy an iPhone 5, there are those who are engaged into obtaining rotary phones.
    “Pumupunta talaga dito ang mga vintage collectors na regular customers namin para lang bumili at gumastos nang malaki kahit para sa isang product lang. Dumadayo talaga sila dito kasi wala kang makikitang mga ganto sa malls kasi authentic at kakaiba yung sa amin (Vintage collectors really come here as our regular customers to buy and shell out a large amount of money for a single product. They really visit us because you can not find these products inside malls because ours are authentic and unique),” stated the owner of Genshiken, one of the thrift shops in Cubao Expo.
     James, one of the people who are fond of collecting vintage items like rotary phones, tells his top reasons why he does this and why more and more people get interested with this hobby.
     First of all, he finds hunting for these items thrilling. “One does not simply get an original vintage item from anywhere. You have to be persistent in searching for what exactly you want. But one time, I got more excited because I found out that the rotary phone I bought was still working. See how my determination paid off,” he states.
     Also, the items that he buys provide a sense of recollection. A single thing brings him back to his past and makes him remember his childhood memories. Laslty, he believes that it is completely fulfilling. He may have to spend a big amount but he says that at the end of the day, it still gives him happiness.
    These are James's foremost reasons, but he also adds possible ones of other people. He states that others might be collecting for its historical significance, business purposes, status symbol, etc.
    Now we think to ourselves, “Why waste money and time on these kinds of products?” As I contemplate this question, I realize it is not a waste at all. What actually makes people buy them is the fact that as these vintage and specialty products age; they acquire added value. Perhaps, we may find this whole collection thing as strange. Collectors seem to waste money on things that may have no use at all today, but can we blame them? It is something they find fun, and who knows you might be planning to head into a thrift shop right now and even start your own collection!