Friday, August 16, 2013

Cubao Expo Experience

by Igi Elum

Returned from the dead is not often used to describe a place but much more frequently used for fictional characters or religious idols. However, in the case of a charmingly hipster area in Cubao, the expression captures its journey quite well. Of course, I am referring to none other than the growing increasingly popular Cubao Expo.

Kc Santos says in his blog entitled A First-timers Guide to Cubao Expo, that Cubao Expo, known as the Marikina Shoe Expo back then, first came to life in the 1970’s where it was used as a location where local shoemakers went to showcase their own craft. It was a place to compete against the foreign works brought to the Philippines by the Chinese merchants and craftsmen. This place was a success until it took a dive and eventually needed to close down in 1997 because of an Asia-wide economical crisis.

The place dragged on to be an abandoned area which lasted for 3 years until a man named Bujim Aquino became the new head of management of the area. Under his management, he brought the Marikina Shoe Expo back to life better than before. Today, it is known as the Cubao Expo, an easy favorite spot for a refreshing dining experience and a venue for an interesting shopping experience.

The Cubao Expo exemplifies the cliché saying, “more than meets the eye.” It was my first time to go to Cubao Expo last July 13, evening. From the outside, you will find a giant sign welcoming you inside, a narrow U-shaped road which seemed to be ill-managed, and some dim lighting which was begging to say that the place was exquisite. It is very understandable when at first people would think that the place is just one of those “jologs,” trying hard places. I thought that and I was proven wrong and I have never been so pleased to be proven wrong. Upon entering, the ambience of the place makes you feel like you’re a privileged who is experiencing what a lot are missing out on; a bit hipster, actually.

One of the most charming attractions of Cubao Expo is that it offers a huge array of dining places which people with different tastes can easily enjoy. If you’re a healthy living person, there’s a small artsy place called the Green Halo where you can enjoy the best fruit milkshakes and their organic based dishes. Personally, I loved their Chocnut Coffee. It was heaven with the punch of coffee in a cup. If you prefer Italian on the other hand, I suggest that you try Bellini’s, which is arguably their most famous dining place and is most frequently visited despite the prices. If you’re someone who wants to maximize the nightlife of Cubao Expo, Anton Diaz suggests in his blog Alan’s Grill to hit the Genre Bar where you can have some drinks to go along with their signature “pulutan,” Tokwa’t Baboy. You can indulge these all while listening to the artist/band who has a gig there. The place is located at the second floor of another resto, Alan’s Grill which is known for being the Barrio Fiesta of Cubao Expo because of their specialty in Filipino food. As Tony Redo, someone who was a frequent visitor of the bar, exclaims, “Marami talagang dumadayo dito kasi hindi masyado siksikan parang mga ibang bar dito sa Cubao at makakarinig ka pa ng mga kanta ng mga musikerong may gig.” (A lot of people really come here because it isn’t as crowded as the other bars in Cubao and you can listen to songs of musicians who have a gig.) There are other equally interesting and fun dining places which really entice a person to try out each one. Cubao Expo has been excellent in the provision of these non-mainstream yet good places to eat.

Another huge asset of the Cubao Expo is the various shopping stores. Considering that Cubao Expo is simply a collection of shops and dining places around a U-shaped road, the variation of shops is amazingly diverse. If you have an eye for vintage items, there is a shop called the Grand Thrift House which to my dismay was closed by the time I got there. I was told though by my kuya, Ian Escudero, a cousin of mine who has an interest for antiques, that he really used to go to Cubao Expo because it “it’s a venue where generations collide.” He went on to say that he really appreciated how the stores there blended well the retro selections and the modern art selections. It gave him the opportunity to compare side-by-side and appreciate the art better. Other stores in the area include vintage clothing shops, a shop which sells cultural literature, and more shops which basically cater to a variety of interests. 

Cubao Expo has definitely risen from the dead bigger and better than its previous life. It is now a venue for shoppers, diners, and people who have specific interests to go to and enjoy what varied things the expo has to offer. The place is perfect for anyone who wants to have a great time looking to purchase or even just see some vintage and modern treasures in the form of art. Also, it can be a food fanatic’s heaven because of the many dining places which caters to different cooking and dietary styles.

All in all, Cubao Expo is definitely a must go-to place by anyone who appreciates good food, vintage and modern shops, and essentially an adventure. It may not be as big as the malls nearby nor does it have the area to accommodate a large number of people, but rest assured that a visit to the Cubao Expo means experiencing art and having an excellent time. Ian Escudero says that unlike when people go to malls or convenience shops to be quick with their shopping, Cubao Expo urges you to sit back, relax, and enjoy what the place has to offer.

Works Cited

Diaz, Anton. "OUR AWESOME PLANET." Web blog post. OUR AWESOME PLANET. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Aug. 2013. <>. 

Escudero, Ian. Personal Interview. 14 July 2013

Redo, Anthony. Personal Interview. 17 July 2013.

         Santos, KC. "A First-timer's Guide to Cubao Expo." Web blog post. LoQal Travel and Outdoors Philippines. N.p., 17 Aug. 2011. Web. 16 Aug. 2013. <>.


  1. This was a really good read. I never even knew this place existed, but now I have the urge to go visit it sometime. Thanks for the tip!

  2. "Written adequately. Makes Cubao Expo appealing. Maybe I'll visit sometime." -Rafa

  3. I've heard of this place before, but this gave me a clearer idea of what to actually expect from it. Nice article!

  4. Interesting. I've always wanted to visit Cubao Expo but, compared to other food trip places, I never actually thought this would suffice my love for food. The description has proved otherwise. -Jats

  5. Cubao is so far from where I live, but I might consider going there sometime. I wanna try eating at Alan's Grill. Food sounds good!

  6. I really like how you stressed the diversity of the shops found in Cubao Expo. It really does cater to varying interests!

  7. Wow. I honestly didn't expect you to finish writing your article on time. Good job bro.

  8. Your little bit about Alan's Grill just makes me want to revisit it again. I wasn't planning to go anytime soon but after reading, I'm just craving. LOL

  9. Interesting... I've never been there before. I didn't even know such a place existed hahahaha

  10. Finally, Cubao Expo is getting the attention it rightfully deserves.

  11. Cubao Expo is such a sexy sexy place.

  12. I'll admit that your blog makes me want to go to the Cubao Expo but I was hoping to read more about the shops. It wouldn't hurt to add a bit more details or identify more shops. You could have stressed the diversity even more.

  13. WOAH!!!! My dad used to talk about this place and how much it sucked when it closed down! Glad to know that it's getting back on the map of places to visit.

  14. I would say that your work is fairly written. There were some lapses in transition and the distribution of details is very uneven which makes it a bit confusing. I suggest next time, you focus more on the interviewees, though.

  15. Great article! I think you were able to effectively describe what Cubao Expo is, especially to those people who haven't even heard of it before. The place is truly a haven for Filipino Junkies such as myself.


  17. "You can indulge these all while listening to the artist/band who has a gig there." Definitely my kind of place. I actually wasn't aware Cubao Expo had such a place. All I've ever done there was buy leather shoes for school hahaha. Thanks and good read!

  18. You could have used more sensory details to describe the atmosphere that Cubao Expo has and the general feeling the surroundings bring. Painting a picture for the readers becomes even more important when you're talking about a place. History of the place can be important, but for me, I would've preferred to imagine myself being there in Cubao Expo and feel the "experience" for myself.

  19. It's filled with interesting details though there are some ineffective sentences and missing punctuations. Good use of eyewitnessing and interview techniques.
